But hey, this is not an anime blog. This is a car blog XD~~~
So what it's the relation between anime and car. Well, a car with anime decals, isn't it cool? I'm talking about Itasha right now.
What is Itasha, this words derived from 2 japanese words, Itai (means pain or hurts) and Jidoosha (means car). So Itasha can be translated as painful car (CMIIW). Itasha usually sports very catchy anime decals that makes the car looks "painful".
This is an example of itasha:
Here it is a pic of Itasha drift car that i saw
Look at the anime girl decals on the car. Cute,isn't it?
Kawaii dessho?
This car is one of my favorite itasha car. Besides these
Kazama Auto's RX7
Dragon Performance's RX7
And JGTC BMW Z4 with Miku Hatsune decals
(I do not own all pics, except the itasha 180 pic)